Creative Self Reflections

“Your life is the fruit of your own doing, You have no one to blame but yourself.”

-Joseph Campbell

Hello Friends! How is it April already? My goal was to send out a writing once a month and this is the first one of the year… that’s just crazy! There has been so much going on too that Id love to write about but it can be hard to find the time and space for that creative time. I could easily feel like “I’m failing myself”, but what good would that do? Instead I’ll choose to have compassion for myself and take action to change the trajectory of my momentum :)… That feels way better!

I have described the entrepreneurial path as arduous and challenging at times over the years but it is also an incredibly rewarding and often fascinating journey of self discovery. I really do love creating on my own terms and doing work that feels like a direct expression of what my SOUL is here to experience.

“Who is your Ideal Client or Customer?” Is a question you get a lot when you are in business. I’ve always felt challenged by this question. I guess because I am so open and generally able to connect with just about anyone… I figure, why limit myself? In 2020, when I had to shut my doors for months at a time it gave me a lot of reflection time. I signed up for an on-line course that was helping creative business owners and individuals wanting to create or explore a new venture of some sort or deepen their business sense, hone in on what their service, product, or “brand” is all about through deep self reflection and inquiry. The piece of creative writing that I particularly enjoyed working on was answering this question, “who is your ideal client?'“... It took me a while to “hone” in on what this might be, but the process of being specific and really articulating who might love coming to see me for a massage for hire me for whatever other services I was offering, was a curious and profound process for me. “Who am I?” “Why would someone be drawn to work with me?” “Who do I feel magnetically drawn towards and why?” These are big questions to ponder!

I created 3 avatars, each a representation of what “my ideal client” could or world be…. I got into it… a surprise in itself! As I found myself creating each of these Avatars, It felt like I was looking in the mirror, and expressing 3 different, yet curiously clear reflections, of “who I am”. Of course we often do draw people to us who we resonate with on some level so it makes sense that our clients or customers, and also friends, would be similar to us somehow. I am sharing what I came up with because I think some of you, especially those of you who know me well or are long time clients of mine(I was thinking about you a lot as I searched for my words during this exploration), might appreciate the creative articulation and find some humor in it too! The goal of this exercise was to be as detailed as possible in describing your “ideal customer”. It felt like a dreaming process for me actually, for I know that the more clearly we can see what we want, the more likely we are to experience that manifestation. I feel strangely self conscious to share this writing but I also feel inspired to put it out there. You’ll see that I found a way to create a very wide spectrum of who might be a good fit for me. I wonder if you resonate with any aspects of the avatars that I created? Let me know!


Core Customer/Avatar #1: The Strong Independent Woman rooted in her work & Community

Women ages 35-75, maybe married, many mothers, often in significant relationships, if not with partners then with their children and/or with their work. Mostly these women are professional women engaged and active in their work, families and communities. Many have owned or currently run their own business, they are successful and the money they make is sustainable for their lifestyle. Along with entrepreneurs, many might be nurses, teachers, counselors, free lance workers, lawyers, marketers, office workers  or other professionals. If they are retired they are often still involved in fun projects around their house, or perhaps leaders in their spiritual community, or engaged in creative pursuits that they have always wanted to do. These women are community oriented, health conscious and spiritually minded. They live all over the world and While they love to travel they also love their home, taking pride in being the best mom, wife, boss, & human being that they can be. These are women who are confident and secure within themselves. They are often natural overachievers who are used to taking care of others as well as themselves and so tension and stress can build up and self care sometimes takes a back seat. Overwhelm can be a challenge for them at times and perhaps struggling with their weight and body image a life long journey, but overall they stay positive and focused on how they can make the differences they seek in their life. Guilty pleasures might be losing themselves in a romantic novel or surfing the internet , spending the day at the spa, going on a shopping spree, having a glass or two of wine in the evening, watching too many movies, sleeping in or taking naps, over eating or choosing dessert as a meal.

Core Customer/Avatar #2: The Creative Free Spirit grooving on their path in life.

These are the people who are born wanting to follow their own star. They are not concerned with convention, social norms or the status quo and are determined to forge their own path in life. They are the dreamers who have their own ideas about things and who desire to bring their alternative thinking more into the mainstream. They value alternative Health and wellness and turn to their own counsel and close community for inspiration and healing.  As they settle into their 30’s and 40’s they become clearer about who they are and what they want to focus their energy on. Generally not married, they are apt to either flow in and out of relationships kind of quickly, be serial monogamists, or stay happily single. They may be a single mom or dad if they have kids. Work tends to be creative... perhaps an artist, writer, entrepreneur, designer, traveler, therapist, outdoors enthusiast, in theatre , the healing arts, gardening, expressive arts, involved in nonprofit organizations, social justice,  or activism. If they are people oriented, their work often involves bringing people together .... if they are more solitary in nature they tend to inspire others through what they create.... in either case they tend to be visionary sorts who want to help make the world a better place and generally if and when they do settle into a career it will be work that reflects what they are passionate about.  They don’t put a lot of emphasis on money yet they seem to create what they need and sometimes are able to draw money to them easily. They find creative living situations, are imaginative and innovative, open minded, curious and courageous. Creative free spirits tend to love traveling And often will at some point take time out to be world explorers & adventurers(maybe they will create work or study opportunities overseas) . They like tuning into things that feel consciousness expanding, sources linked to creativity & spirituality , or that help connect them with the natural world and holistic health such as, National Geographic, Mother Earth news, Permaculture and sustainability sources. They may want to learn how to live off the grid or research things like tiny homes or earth dwellings. Often sensitive in nature, challenges that they may run up against at one point or another are feelings of anxiety and/or depression, self esteem & confidence issues, addition tendencies, feelings that they don’t belong or fit into society, and themes revolving around money.

Core Customer/Avatar #3: The Visionary Executive in a position of leadership and influence

These are Women & Men who have chosen a more conventional path in life and who have worked hard to get where they are .... while they tend to be drawn into the corporate arena, they are progressively minded and seek to create or work for companies that are heart centered and have a “peoples first” mentality built into the foundation of their mission statements. Ages 40-75 years old, many are or have been married  and many are parents... these are people who live and work in the Southern California area, in particular around San Diego. They are Business owners, CEO’s, HR personal, executive managers, event planners, marketing coordinators, etc. These are dedicated people who do their job well and thrive in a position where they are managing others and overseeing affairs. They are good at seeing the big picture and nurturing relationships which they bring to their work environment. Their passions and desires are wide ranging but often have a humanitarian basis. Hobbies might include travel, reading, running, surfing, personal fitness, cooking, family outings, keeping up on the political arena and worldly affairs, playing the stock market, hiking and outdoors activities, playing chess, socializing with friends, or working on home improvement projects. Money seems to be drawn to them easily which is good because they enjoy a certain standard of comfort and security. They tend to be good at savings and planning financially for the future. They may be a member of the chamber of commerce or belong to other networking business groups. Challenges they may tend to experience could be feelings of frustration and disillusionment from working in the corporate arena, stress and burn out from being over zealous in their pursuits, discord on the family front if they are over working, tension patterns and inflammatory conditions throughout their body if they are not making sure to take care of themselves. Staying physically active and balancing work time with relaxation and family time is critical to maintaining balance for these driven and work focused individuals.

What do you wish for in this moment when you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and breathe with all your might so that every last dandelion seed may be blown into the wind?

Liscia DiGiacomo