Free As A Bird
Listening and leaning into the sacred ground of the mountains we were surrounded by, I created this Poem last weekend… amongst soul sisters, each of us creating our own oracle card as we tuned into the question “What do I need”. How would I describe the essence and the feeling state of what I envision for myself, of what I seek? I have several dear friends who are great poets. I am not a great poet, or even a poet… But, I do love playing with words and using them to express myself! And so, I share my poem…
I AM Free, like the red tailed hawk soaring high above me,
I AM free…. NOW…. open & available to All Possibility,
I call in the change & transformation that my soul craves…. choosing the creative flow that makes me feel Alive!
I CREATE Freedom by showing up for myself & being committed to those practices…
That Serve Me
That Nourish Me
That Support Me…..
In Cultivating Connection,
In Healing Disconnect,
In Nurturing Stillness,
In Harnessing & Directing my Energy….
I Dance My Dance within the chaos, Weaving Dreams into Embodiment
Showing up For Myself in this way,
Allows restfulness within the manifestation,
I see what I truly Need.
I listen & respond without postponing,
I feel more deeply.
I Honor Who I AM & I Honor Who You Are
Together “WE” Are the Fascia that is creating the shape of our reality,
Together “WE” Can Shape-shift,
Together “WE” Can create a New Story,
Together “WE” are both the flow of the River & the banks that hold and determine the Flow.
I CHOOSE Balance, not extreme
I Am Free, Free As A Bird