Sky's The Limit
Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed telling people that I was from a town of 10 people up in the mountains of Northern California. This “town” was set in Genesee Valley and was an idyllic place to grow up. I think very fondly back to my childhood years, realizing the benefits of growing up in the country, immersed in and surrounded always by nature! I literally lived outside! The plants, rocks, and animals were “my friends” and the sky, a constant source of amazement and inspiration, was a canvas upon which I was always dreaming. Sky gazing soothes me to this day, awakening my imagination and giving me an immense sense of possibility.
“Sky gazing” is a healing practice that is always available to us! Taking the time to gaze upward and revel in the deep wonderment that is the cosmos can remind us of the bigger story at play. In this space our nervous system is calmed and we can more easily see beyond the challenges that we might be dealing with or that make us feel stuck. The vastness and beauty of a star-filled night ski can be breathe taking, filling us with a sense of awe and wonder that inspires us to think beyond what we “know”. The limitless depth of a deep blue cloudless sky can engulf you in a sense of calmness and inner reflection that is meditative. A sky filled with billowy white clouds that are slowing migrating and shape shifting against the blue can transport you to a magical land of creativity and fantasy. The dramatic turmoil and power that you see in a stormy sky can be a little scary but for me it sparks an excitement and energy that literally “wakes” me up! I feel the life force and adventure of creativity brewing and experience a cleansing of my senses that ignites my imagination.
When I look back and see myself growing up, the image I see is of me dreaming upon the wide open sky as I play outside. I can see myself taking refuge in the tall overgrown grasses of late summer. I am in my secret world. I can smell the earth and the grass and I feel the sweet, clean, warm air on my face. I can hear the buzzing of bugs and the occasional far off moo of a cow… I feel at peace…I sense the roots of who I am …I feel nourished by the soil I lay on top of, by the plants around me, by the sky and clouds above me…They are dreaming with me. I feel in my bones that Nature really is my ally. I feel safe and secure and happy. I know that this little corner of the planet that I call “home” is an amazingly beautiful sweet place and that I am blessed, through family and extended family, with a tremendous amount of Love that infuses my Being and my life. I take comfort in the knowing that this “posse of love” I feel will always be there surrounding, supporting and protecting me. While I am aware of this deep contentment, I am also aware of an intense curiosity in my heart that is yearning to experience new horizons. I see myself traveling to the far reaching corners of the world beyond Plumas County that is Mother Earth and Humanity. I sense a knowing deep inside that I am meant to be an explorer of the world. I can sense the grand adventure of the life before me and I feel so excited knowing that Life is, and would always be, whatever I made it. Breathing into the mystery, I celebrate the part I am playing…. I know, even in my young heart, that I am in a creative partnership with the expansive universe around me.
Spend time gazing upward, allowing your dreams to unfurl in all their beauty against the backdrop of expansive possibility …
Allow your imagination to soar on the wings of possibility