Moving Forward with Joy
Hello world! This is a momentous day for me…Here I am, finally starting a blog after 10 plus years of hearing that voice inside saying “do this”…”it’ll be fun and helpful for your business”. Why now? Because it is the next mountain in front of me and suddenly all the obstacles, that have been excellent reasons to procrastinate all these years leading up to this moment, have been removed. A year and a half ago I made the investment to get a website made that “felt like me” and felt “manageable” by me… that was huge! Last summer I figured out how to enable the blog page on my website and yesterday I figured out how to create a title for my blog (I know, super simple stuff, right? …. Well, not for me!) so now I have no more excuses! Yes, I have been on the scenic path when it comes to evolving as a business owner, taking my sweet time meandering through the countryside:) When I started my business, Dancing Hands Bodywork, in 2005, I felt like I was the blind leading the blind but I just took one step in front of the other and slowly began making my way. I found it easy to show up and do great work with my clients but all this background business stuff that makes you “more professional” and “marketable” has always been especially challenging and overwhelming for me. Of course it would be easy to stay frozen here for months or years on end, as I try to figure out how to write the “perfect” first post, but I’ve decided that progress and movement are more important than worrying about making it “whatever”. I have to remind myself that while I may not feel like a true expert in anything specific, I do have some wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration to share… we all do! My life has been a full and fun exploration of adventure, love, creativity, community, and manifestation . As a massage therapist and bodyworker, I have found work I love that allows me to connect with others in the most profound and healing way everyday. As an entrepreneur who has been successfully growing, however slowly, these past 15 years, I have learned the value of persistence and patience and staying true to “your passion and vision”. As a loving human being who meets the joys and challenges of life with curiosity and enthusiasm, I know that The Moment is the place where magic happens. Cultivating mindfulness is the portal through which transformation and healing are possible and it is through our breath and with our body that we become present and our presence becomes powerful. So, I want to say thank you for joining me on this journey! Thank you for lovingly accepting that this is a process of maturing for me… a process that I believe will help me connect more with “my voice” and with what I am meant to contribute in the world moving forward. For me, Blogging will be a practice of showing up for myself, a Creative exercise in self expression, a platform upon which I can nurture connections, dialogue with others and grow my on-line community. My topics of focus will be wide ranging and will include areas relating to self care, holistic heath and wellness, self exploration and growth, travel and adventure, nature and wilderness inspirations, Creativity explorations, Workplace Wellness, and how to nurture thriving communities,…. I invite you to comment below! Lets create a conversation. Please find me on FB, Instagram, and LinkedIn ! Here are my links….
I look forward to connecting!
Letting the light in
A matter of perspective